Platformatic v0.7.0 - An old/new dashboard for Platformatic DB

Platformatic v0.7.0 - An old/new dashboard for Platformatic DB

Hi Folks,

Like last week, and the week before, we are releasing a new version of Platformatic, v0.7.0.

Full release notes are available at

In this release, you'll find a new feature: a dashboard for Platformatic DB. I've been keen on shipping this with the first release of Platformatic in September, however, we were late, and we never finished it. Thanks to the community's help, we could finish it!

A dashboard for Platformatic DB

The new dashboard for Platformatic DB ships a few key components:

  1. GraphiQL integration

  2. OpenAPI integrations

  3. Local metrics

  4. ...and Table View!

Welcome "Table View", our React Admin integration

In PR #255, Riccardo Fiorenza contributed a great new feature: the integration with React Admin as part of our dashboard. This integration is based on the foundational work done by Giacomo Cerquone in PR #243 that we released in v0.6.0. Thanks, folks!

Docker images

Platformatic is also available on Docker Hub:

FROM platformatic/platformatic:latest

USER root

WORKDIR /opt/<app-name>
COPY migrations migrations
COPY platformatic.db.json platformatic.db.json

# Also, make sure to copy / install your plugins


CMD ["platformatic", "db", "start"]